IKA WEEKLY – The much talked-about deplorable Orogodo river and bridge is receiving the expected intervention from the Federal Government through the Benin/Owena River Basin Development Authority.


Last week, residents of Boji-Boji metropolis were happy when they saw that dredging work has commenced on the river which had been over-taken by weeds and debris resulting from gully erosion and indiscriminate and senseless dumping of refuse on waterways which eventually find their way into the river.


Orogodo river which used to present beautiful scenery in the past has now become an eyesore, as those who grew up in the metropolis in 1970’s and decades before it, will attest to the social and economic value of the river.


Before the damaging attitude of dropping refuse into the drainage system began, the river was a source of livelihood to many people who engaged in fishing as a profession. The river was even a source of drinking water to the people as they drank water from the river without any health implication.


With the commencement of the long awaited dredging, it has become necessary to raise some very salient points that bother on the Orogodo river.


First is the issue of a change of attitude by residents of the metropolis who have internalized the unhealthy practice of dumping waste into the gutters, especially when it is raining.


Such action, we must emphasize should be discontinued as it will go a long way in not only keeping the environment clean but will make the river free of any debris and household wastes. The people should take cognizance of the fact that a clean environment is one of the antidotes against sickness and out break of epidemics.


Concerned authorities like the Environmental and Health departments of both Local Government should rise up to the immense responsibility of creating a broadbase awareness programme, that could help change the attitude of the people towards waste disposal.


It is imperative for the authorities of both Local Government Councils to make sure they devise means that could discourage the dumping of refuse and littering of wastes on our roads.


The legislative arms of the Local Government should make laws forbidding anybody from dumping refuse indiscriminately.


Now that the Federal Government has come to our aid, efforts should be made also on the part of residents to reciprocate the gesture of the government by seeing that Boji-Boji is kept clean.


Our call is to every resident of the metropolis. The Orogodo river and the roads in Boji-Boji are always with us and for our benefits, so we must all join hands to make sure our environment is kept clean at all times.


We use this medium, on behalf of the people of Ika nation to thank the Federal Government for deeming it right to come to the aid of our people by starting work on the dredging of the river.

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