s  necessary because it will spur the
IDU members to execute more 
developmental projects for the community, just as they described the
community road rehabilitation, first of its kind in the history of the kingdom.

Chief P.O.
Iyeke, a community leader said “our children in Washington, D.C, USA, through
this their voluntary effort, have made us proud. We are indeed very happy with
what they have done. By this effort we will not suffer from bad roads again. It
is our prayer that God will keep them alive to reap what they have sown.

Mr. Amechi
Francis, also a community leader noted that “what the IDU Washington Chapter
has done would never be forgotten. Posterity 
will live to remember it. I am happy saying this because in the history
of Igbodo kingdom, no government has  in
any way carried out any meaningful road rehabilitation here. Before the
intervention of  our illustrious children
in Washington, almost all the roads in this community were bad. They were not
only bad but also covered with bushes. The IDU intervention has now seen to the
opening, sand filling and grading of all of them.

Henry Ude
Ugboko, a resident in Ndobu quarter, “We are very happy with the state of our
roads now, because,  before now, we had
no good roads. Government does not even know if we exist, as all pleas made to
them in the time past did not yield any positive results. Well, today we are
very happy because our children who have great love for their homeland have
come to our rescue. We pray that the 
Almighty God will continue to guide, protect and bless them”.

The youth leader
of Ndobu quarter, where one of the major roads has been graded and sand filled,
Blessing Njoagwuani, said “ I  and the
entire youths under my leadership appreciate what our brothers and sisters in
Washington has done. This has proved to us that we have people even if
government turned their back on us. We commend them very well and laud their
magnanimity, wishing all of them good successes in their endeavors”.

Other Igbodo
residents that spoke to Ika Weekly
include Mr. Joseph Alfred, Mr. Ahinze Akporu, Akaeze Ndubuisi, Monday Chinedu,
Charles Iwekuba and Obi Enwerem. In their separate remarks, they all described
the state of roads in Igbodo before the IDU Washington chapter came to the
rescue, as deplorable. Thanking the Washington based association; they urged
all IDU branches in other parts of the world to emulate them.

Quarters in the
community where major roads like Isaih, Anirubber, and Ozei were rehabilitated
including adjoining streets are  Ndobu,
Idumu-Obior, Idumu-Ozei, Ilabor, Anmeyimen and Annikpeku.

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